My thoughts on the NBA’s Top 75, the dozen greatest players ever, and another 10 for good measure
The All-Star Weekend’s cavalcade of events in Cleveland will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the NBA.

January 2022 Book Reviews
Three-Ring Circus
By Jeff Pearlman
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
As the manuscript was completed for “Three-Ring Circus” in early 2020, author Jeff Pearlman found himself in what some would consider a quandary.

Should Buck Williams be a Hall of Famer? Says Fordham Prep’s sports analytics club: ‘Yes’
Those in Portland in the 1990s recall Charles Linwood “Buck” Williams as the lunch-bucket power forward whose acquisition proved the missing link in the Trail Blazers’ rise to NBA Finals in ’90 and ’92.

Steve Kerr’s Life Story was Worth Writing, and it’s Worth Reading
Scott Howard-Cooper had it all set up.
The veteran Sacramento journalist was prepared to write a book about the Golden State Warriors’ fourth NBA championship in five years in 2019.
“We were screwed,” Howard-Cooper says. “Nobody wanted to read a Warriors book coming off a loss.”
Howard-Cooper’s literary agent, Tim Hays, had another idea.
“He encouraged me to write a book on (Warriors coach) Steve Kerr,” Howard-Cooper says. “He stayed on me. He said, ‘Write out a proposal. Take a little time and put something on paper.’

I was a guest on Portland's XRAY FM morning show on May 14, 2020
I joined Portland, Oregon's XRAY FM 91.1 & 107.1 morning show In The Mornings hosted by Jefferson and Joe Smith. We discussed ESPN's Chicago Bulls documentary The Last Dance, the current NBA season that is on hold because of the COVID 19 pandemic, and the hometown Portland Trail Blazers.

The Last Dance Recap with Kerry Eggers
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the “D and Davis" podcast hosted by Chicago’s Demonze “D” Spruiel and Ken Davis. We discussed “The Last Dance,” the Trail Blazers-Bulls NBA Finals matchup in 1992, Clyde Drexler vs. Michael Jordan, the Jail Blazers and more.