January 2022 Book Reviews
Three-Ring Circus
By Jeff Pearlman
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
As the manuscript was completed for “Three-Ring Circus” in early 2020, author Jeff Pearlman found himself in what some would consider a quandary.
Jim Ross loves wrestling, and wrestling loves him back — sort of
This was a birthday gift from my youngest son, Drew, a full-fledged pro wrestling fanatic. I was only marginally acquainted with the celebrity of Ross, the Hall of Fame broadcaster who for many years was Vince McMahon’s right-hand man with the WWE.
This isn’t Ross’ first book; his autobiography is entitled “Slobberknocker,” which evidently means a violent collision. That’s what Ross’ life was like inside and outside the ring (yes, he actually wrestled a number of times).