The Mayor of Rip City Wants To Be Voiceover Guy For Your Voicemail
For our next contest, a twist. We’re going to award the lucky winner some interaction with the great Bill Schonely.
Bill Schonely has an announcement.
Today, as he nears his 91st birthday on June 1, 'The Schonz" has an announcement. Sign up for my emails and you will be eligible for a special prize. Have you already signed up for the emails? Then you are already entered. Contest ends on June 30, 2020.

I was a guest on Portland's XRAY FM morning show on May 14, 2020
I joined Portland, Oregon's XRAY FM 91.1 & 107.1 morning show In The Mornings hosted by Jefferson and Joe Smith. We discussed ESPN's Chicago Bulls documentary The Last Dance, the current NBA season that is on hold because of the COVID 19 pandemic, and the hometown Portland Trail Blazers.