Barlow’s Tom Johnson: He inspires, he mentors, he teaches life lessons, and he wins …
Sports Kerry Eggers Sports Kerry Eggers

Barlow’s Tom Johnson: He inspires, he mentors, he teaches life lessons, and he wins …

I walked into Barlow High on a recent Friday night to the sweet sound of basketballs bouncing in the gym, and the reassuring sight of fans filing in the doors and milling around in the lobby, awaiting a game.

There were no concessions being sold, no cheerleaders dancing, no pep band playing, and everyone was masked up.

Even so, it was a return — somewhat — to the normalcy that COVID-19 had stolen from us more than a year ago.

Gresham beat Barlow 61-47 before a crowd I’d estimate at about 300 spectators, seated in every other row in a facility with a capacity probably about 1,000.

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Thoughts on the Portland Diamond Project, Kevin Love and Payton Pritchard, Bill Schonely, Jermar Jefferson, Hamilcar Rashed and a new book by Ben Golliver …
Sports Kerry Eggers Sports Kerry Eggers

Thoughts on the Portland Diamond Project, Kevin Love and Payton Pritchard, Bill Schonely, Jermar Jefferson, Hamilcar Rashed and a new book by Ben Golliver …

Questions on your mind, for which I have answers …

• What’s going on with the Portland Diamond Project? It’s been a long time since we’ve heard anything about the bid for major league baseball in the city.

A: A lot, says PDP managing partner Mike Barrett.

“We’ve been crazy busy,” Barrett tells me. “I can’t give you any specifics. Hopefully, we’ll be in position to be able to speak publicly on it soon, but we’re in a sensitive time right now.

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